Saturday, July 19, 2008

The RN

I got the job. I am the new oncology nurse at Baptist. I'm very excited. It just feels like the place I need to be. I know that there are going to be times when it is hard, and I'm going to feel like I am going through your illness all over again; but I just feel drawn to do this. I know what these families are going through and they need all the support they can get. I also know that you will help me when it gets tough.

Mom was so excited, that I met her in Conway yesterday afternoon and she bought me a bunch of scrubs. It's going to be nice to not have to worry about what to wear again. I just can't wait to get back to the hospital. I really missed it.

On another note: Thomas is going through the terrible, awful, end of the two's! YIKES! He has just been a little demon the last few days. I'm afraid he's gonna have bruises from all the spankings he has been getting. Hopefully this stage will pass soon. James is doing much better at school. He isn't crying as much. They are both just momma's boys. I love at night when they want to snuggle with me to go to sleep.

Well, I have to go work at the school. I love you and miss you a bunch.

Babygirl forever - Jan

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Parenthood - Why again did I agree to this?

Dear Daddy,

Well, if all goes well tomorrow I might have a job. I have interviewed twice now for a position on the oncology unit at Baptist. I feel really good about it. I know this is where I need to be. I can relate to what each family is going through. So, we will see.

So tonight after I mowed the yard I decided to load the boys up and go to Wal-Mart. Now I know why mom never took us shopping. They are getting so big that I can't put them in the buggy. (Just a side note: Why is it Sam's has the buggy with the two seater in the front, but Wal-Mart doesn't have them yet?) Well, I told the boys they had to hang on to the sides. Yeah, right. That worked for the first two isles. Then it was a total free for all after that. Running into each other, dragging each other on the floor, punching, hitting, kicking, etc. We looked like a bunch of white trash. Both boys had dirt all over their faces and clothes from playing outside. I had on a tank and shorts and looked a mess from mowing. They were nuts!!! When we finally got to one of the 5 checkouts that were open, (Another side note: Why have 28 checkout lanes when you are only going to have 5 open at all times.) anyway this is when all hell broke loose. James was hiding under the clothes racks and Thomas took off. I put James in the buggy and asked a total stranger to watch him while I chased Thomas down. Luckily a very nice couple noticed what was happening and the lady chased him down. I was panicked I just knew I was going to have to call a Code Adam. When I got back to the buggy, James was sitting there wide-eyed and knew he was in for it. Thomas on the other hand was sitting on the floor laughing and thought he was something else. That would be when I picked them both up, thanked the ladies that helped me and took them to the car; at which point they got a spanking with the pants down. On the way home I informed them both "When we get home you go straight to the bathroom, take off all your clothes and wait for me. You are both going to get another spanking, get a bath, get your pj's on and going straight to bed." At that point James said "Hey Mommy, do I need another spanking cause I didn't run off I stayed in the buggy and waited for you and Thomas." Well, he had a point there. When we got home, Thomas got another spanking for running off and they got a bath. Now they are both in bed where they will stay!!! I need a Valium! Please tell me it gets better.

Well, I need to go get cleaned up. Maybe a nice hot shower will help me. I love you Daddy and miss you so much!

Your baby girl forever - Jan

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Night-time Prayers

Dear Daddy,

We have been having some trouble getting boys to bed for some time now. Of course, it is our own fault. I'm so tired at night that it is just easier to fall asleep in their bed. So, last night we got home late and Jamie and I just made the decision to let the boys sleep with us. We all got snuggled in and Jamie said, "Mommy do you want to say the night time prayers?" I told him he could say them. He then asked James and he replied with "I don't want to, you do it." Then Thomas piped up and said "I will pray." We all got quite and then after a few moments of silence Thomas said "I don't hear anything?" Jamie told him, "son it's because you actually have to say something." He then told him, "I don't want to pray you do it daddy." So Jamie started the prayer and when it was almost over, I guess Thomas realized he would soon have to close his eyes and go to sleep, he started telling him what to pray for. "pray for me to not get sick, and the chairs, and the trees, and hmm let me think, think, think, think..." At that point I told him, "honey let Daddy finish the prayer so we can go to sleep." He wasn't happy with it, but at last we could finish the 30-minute long night-night prayer.

I brought Katherine to Mom's today. She is staying with her for several days. Man is she excited. She is in heaven. She can scrapbook, watch all the Hannah Montana she wants, eat junk, stay up late, and best of all Whitney isn't here to boss her around. Ahh, the life.

Tomorrow I am putting in applications at several hospitals. Mom worked on my resume and has it looking very impressive. Do you think you could pull some strings for me and get me just the right job, with the right pay?

I love you Dad!
Jan-Baby girl forever

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

God's Timing is Perfect!

Dear Daddy,

You know God's timing truly is perfect. Friday night he brought an old friend back into my life. (April) In all of my adult life I have only had three best friends. (Tahleigh, Jennie, and Renee') They know everything I have been through and they have helped me through the bad times. I have been praying though to be surrounded by really good girlfriends that I can just hang out with. He answered my prayers. Yesterday I went to Wild River with Katherine and April was there, along with Christi and Jackie. I had a blast. We all talked all afternoon, to the point that I lost track of time and found myself not wanting to leave because I was enjoying the company. Don't get me wrong, I am thoroughly enjoying my time with mom and we have become really close. I just want some girlfriends, that I can go out to lunch with an shoot the breeze with. Jennie and I used to just go to Sonic at 10:00 at night, for no reason at all but just to talk and eat ice cream. Renee' and I used to call each other and sit on our porches to talk, because we were too lazy to walk across the street. Tahleigh, well she knows everything about me. We've been friends forever. Anyway, I said all of that to say this - it's good to be back home and be surrounded by friends.

Okay, funny story. Sunday on the way to church the boys wanted Jamie to tell them a story about airplanes. Here is how the story went:

Jamie: Once upon a time a little boy, with his mom and dad were taking animals on an airplane
James: What kind of animals
Thomas: Was I on the airplane Daddy
Jamie: There were pigs, and horses, and cows and yes Thomas you were on the airplane
James: What about me
Jamie: James you were on the airplane too. Okay so, once upon a time James, Thomas and Daddy were on an airplane carrying animals
Thomas: What about mommy
Jamie: And mommy was on the airplane too
Thomas: What can I do
Jamie: Thomas you are in charge of the pigs
James: What about me Daddy
Jamie: You are in charge of the horses
James: No I want to be in charge of the pigs
Thomas: What can Mommy do
Jamie: Okay, Thomas you are in charge of the horses, James you are in charge of the pigs and Mommy is in charge of picking up all the poop
Mommy: Why do I get the gross job
James: Just give Mommy what she wants Daddy
Jamie: Okay, once upon a time James, Thomas, Mommy and Daddy were all on an airplane with horses and pigs and cows and
James: Daddy when you are done telling your story I want to tell you one
Jamie: Just tell me your story cause I don't think Daddy will ever get to finish this one

We tried to do the same thing to James while he told his story, crazy thing is he enjoyed us stopping him. He never once got flustered he just answered our questions.

I guess I should get to work. I love you daddy!

Jan - Baby girl forever